Sunday, 22 February 2015


Samir Mondal is an amazing watercolour painter, He is one of the most successful watercolour painters in India. The thing that is so special and unique about Samir Mondal is that he uses watercolours and makes them look so vibrant and similar to acrylics. I found his work to be very mysterious and sexy and decided to do a pastiche of his work for an art project in college.
The first piece is Banalata, you can see the original by clicking here. I found it really difficult to paint this for two reasons, 1. I rarely ever paint and 2. Look at it, it looks difficult! I drew an initial sketch and went straight in with acrylic paints. I used acrylics so it could be vibrant like the original, I tested the watercolours and they were no where near as bright as the original.
Here is my pastiche.
The second piece I could not find a name for so lets call it anon, you can see the original by clicking here. This piece again was so hard for my to recreate for the same reasons but also because I was copying it from a computer on a tiny desk which isn't the best.
Here is my second pastiche
You can see some more of Samir Mondal's work at
You can also check out my instagram @AmbersHabits for more of my artwork
Amber x


  1. Beautiful work!

  2. Beautiful. X

    Follow me on GFC, I always follow back.

    1. Thank you :) I have done, Your blog is lovely x
