Sunday, 16 October 2016


This year I travelled a bit around the UK, to London, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow and made more of an effort to explore around the city I live in too. I also travelled to California! It was my first time going to America and my first time getting on an aeroplane on my own. The amount of freedom and confidence and empowerment I felt from doing this was extremely overwhelming. So here are three things I have learnt from travelling!

  • I am more able than I think

I got through security, an 11 hour flight, then a changeover, then a half hour flight! without having a breakdown lol. I didn't realise how travelling alone is something that I am able to do with such ease. I was really in my element and it didn't feel weird to me at all. Anyways I was able to do a lot more than I could have ever imagined and it was such a breakthrough!

  •  I love aeroplanes

I still cannot fathom how an aeroplane can just take off into the sky and fly for such a long amount of time. I was so mesmerised by it. I have always been obsessed with planes. When I was younger I would demand my dad to drive me to the airport so I could gaze at the planes landing and taking off. I was curious and envious of their final destination and all the different reasons people were on the aeroplane. Also the perspective you get of the earth from the sky is unbelievable. It made me extremely appreciative of God's
beautiful creation that is the earth.

  • I need to do this more often!

From exploring my city, Liverpool, and tasting food from all the unique restaurants to exploring Brick Lane in London to seeing the historic architecture in Glasgow to going to California! I thought I just NEED to do this more! I've learnt so much about myself and the world around me, in my four month summer break, and want to continue to do so.

Where have you travelled to this year, and what has it taught you? I would love to know.

Amber x

Saturday, 15 October 2016


Since around September 2015 to July 2016 I was one of Cass Arts Student Ambassadors. The whole experience was so much fun and I got to meet lots of extremely talented artists from all over the UK.

One of the most exciting things we got to do, was hold our own exhibition in London. We came up with the concept, name etc and presented all our artwork in an exhibition on Brick Lane.

This is the piece that I decided to be a part of the show. It's called 'Unresponsive'. This piece, when I initially started it, was just meant for experimenting and doing something a bit out of my comfort zone, however I loved the end result, and it is now one of my favourite pieces I have created in the past year.

"A comfort zone is a beautiful place... But nothing grows there".

If you haven't heard about Cass Arts student Ambassador programme, you should definitely check it out and consider giving it a go, if you are in the UK and studying an arts subject.
